Sunday, April 14, 2013

When Life gives you Lemons

I got the idea to create a recipe and print it on bags and teatowels.
l went with a Lemon Cordial recipe, it needed to be fairly simple, l tried printing on paper first, as  theres limited room on a screen
l love the idea of giving a gift, thats decorative and also has a use, l plan on putting the actual ingredients in the bags and giving as a gift.

Now l tried an idea l had been wondering if it would work, l cut out a shape of a lemon in black cardboard and used it like l use my transparency sheets, and exposed it with my exposure unit, and l was thrilled it actually works,( this has given some new ideas of using this technique)

How'd l get that texture on the actual lemon,,sshh,,l got my toothbrush ,dipped the bristles in the emulsion and sort of bashed it on the screen , so it would block the ink going through.

Drying under a lemon tree
I printed out 2 copies of the recipe on A4 transparency film and layed them together to make an A3 size 

Trouble with my 1st attempt at exposing the recipe, l over washed my screen and washed the corner out,,,ggrrr, so l had to do it again.( l have since spoken to a sales rep and he gave me the tip of keeping the screen wet and let the water get into the unexposed part ,a couple of minutes as long as the screens kept wet the unexpose part wont stick,,then gently wash out with a hose.)
The end result, l'm pretty happy with it.
Next blog post l'l try and explain how l print the recipe over the top of the lemon and keep every thing lined up.
~ kim ~

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Print Swap

My print swaps, should be well and truely on there way to my fellow swap partners, l put in an extra surprise for each of them.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Shade of Apple

Still on the color mixing, the apple green quilting fabric needed some ink to match, again l started with the lightest color (white) and added a fluroescent green.

The basic green , needed some warmth, so l added yellow,and it wasn't a  deeper enough green, so l added a small dollop of blue.

Pretty happy with the match.

My favourite screen "Girl in the Garden", l never tirer of her.

Time for some sewing

~ kim ~

Mixing it Buttercup

Mixing ink to create a color match, l decided l'd sew some drawstring cord with some pretty quilting fabric, and l needed to mix up some ink, the above fabric is a sweet buttercup color ,so l started out with white ink in my container first ,and adding basic yellow, this gave a nice lemon color ,but wasn't a match, my buttercup has a warm hue, so l added a small dot of red, this was just enough to alter the lemon shade and gave that warmer buttery color.

Tested it out on a scrap of  fabric. Looks good.